Eating for Cognitive Health 

Protein & Vitamin B are essentials for feeding your brain. They become brain food when protein break down in the body into different amino acids, these then form your raw materials/building blocks for making neurotransmitters in the body, a selection of processes that B vitamins then support as cofactors to bring the whole process to fruition. Food sources with Vitamin B include red meat, shellfish, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, and some beans.  


To easily pack Vitamin B and Protein into your diet, try ensuring every single meal and snack contains protein. For example, add beans and greens to a salad at lunch, blend into your soup, make dips with a variety of veggies and herbs, and choose well-sourced fish paired with veggies for dinner. 


Eggs are a great choice for neurological function because they contain choline – an essential nutrient for the brain and memory consolidation. Boiled eggs make a great snack and will last in the fridge for 5 days so we can have them ready to go as needed. 


Winter & Your Brain 


Impact of Sleep on your Brain Health